Native 1 invites you to join Graphic English group on Facebook

Learn English with Visual Posts

Hello, it’s Jon here from Native 1. It’s been a busy time lately as I’ve recently started my YouTube channel where I present Graphic English Video Lessons to help you improve your English visually. 

In addition, I have also created a Facebook Group called Graphic English where I post regular images that I’ve created to help you learn English daily. 

These posts will teach you Vocabulary, Grammar, Phrasal Verbs, and Idioms, all with graphic illustrations to trigger the visual learning within you.

Here are some samples of what you’ll find in the group:

Examples of idioms

This image teaches you the idiomatic expression of butchering someone's name
The Phrasal Expression to be tied up means to be to busy to talk or interact

Examples of Grammar

Grammar Graphic Explainer_Present Perfect_Cumulative Effect_Answer

These are just a few examples of Graphic English Illustrations of idioms, phrasal verbs, grammar graphics, and challenge questions that I’ve made for English learners just like you.

Why don’t you join me and my new group on Facebook and let’s have a fun time learning English with fun graphics.

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Jon Williams is a graduate of UCLA with a degree in Economics. While doing his undergraduate studies at UCLA, he also tutored microeconomics for other students in the AAP program. After graduation, he went on to become a financial advisor where he learned financial sales and management training. In 2003, he decided to take a gap year, going to teach English in Poland which eventually stretched into 3 years. Upon returning to Los Angeles in 2006, he worked in West Los Angeles for an investment management firm where he spent another 4 years in a financial and investment environment. Ultimately, though, his love for teaching led him to move back to Poland where he founded his business Native 1 English Learning. Now he operates a private teaching practice, posts articles and lessons on his blog, creates online courses, and publishes YouTube video English lessons.

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2 thoughts on “Learn English with Visual Posts”

  1. Pingback: Business English: Phrases for Participating in Meetings - Native 1

  2. Pingback: The Perfect English Phrases for Discussing Online - Native 1

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